Thursday, April 3, 2008

We're Moving!!!

Or at least, our blog is. Please follow the link! Update your bookmarks! Tell a friend!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sad + Happy | Before + After

There are little metal catches in the floor to hold the french doors in the front of the house closed. One in the entrance to the parlor, one in the entrance to the dining room. They are not quite identical, but I think you can tell which one sits in front of the completed room, and which one sits in front of the unfinished room which is making miserably slow progress.

Monday, March 24, 2008

This post sponsored by Cadbury Creme Eggs.

Summary of Easter weekend events:

Cardinals beat Boise in first round game Friday: good!

First round game tipped off at 9:40, otherwise known to me as, The Middle of the Night: bad!

Tony's truck died as we attempted to make the Saturday afternoon Easter service at church: very bad.

Killed time between services dyeing Easter eggs: kind of scary.

Avoided permanent dye stains on church clothes: miraculous.

Linda picked us up for the 5:00 pm service (wonderful!) later on and treated us to dinner and pie: good!

We missed the end of the WVU-Duke game: bad, but yay Eers!

The Easter bunny came and left lots of treats: good!

The chirrens would rather eat Easter treats than actual food: bad.

Sun came out in time for us to photograph the kiddos in their sweet Easter duds: good!

It was only forty degrees and our noses ran all over our sweet Easter duds: bad.

And then it snowed two hours later: crazy-making.

But before that we walked to my mom's house for a combo Easter/birthday feast: exceptionally good!

Boy child inhaled several servings of my mom's homemade pickled beets: curious.

Girl child picked at the macaroni and cheese and ate a mayonnaise and white bread sandwich: no kidding.

After dinner the Cards put a hurt on Oklahoma to advance to the Sweet Sixteen: super good!

Which also features our other team, the Mountaineers: double good!

Cardinal's Sweet Sixteen game against UT tips off at 9:57. ON A WEEKNIGHT: @##*&$(*!

Mechanic says Tony's car issue is just a battery something-something with the connection thingies and is easily fixed: yet another miracle.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Style Files--Storage edition

I'm constantly on the lookout for good-looking storage to hide toys and assorted kid crappe. Unsightly Rubbermaid bins in each room are not an option.

I love this little walnut storage table. The top is chalkboard.

Cute little roll-top bench. You could really smash your little fingers in this one.

My favorite part of this is the orange cushions. It reminds me of the library furniture from college.

More chalkboard, on top of a table with the sweetest bent plywood chairs.

Chalkboard is the new black.

Cool industrial bookshelves, with casters for the added danger factor.

Lots of room for crayons.

Even Legos look classy under glass.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, spring finally arrived. For a minute anyway. As the snow melts, we were treated to a few days of high temps and bright sun. Gray and rainy for the weekend, but hopefully the warm weather will stay.

We've had a few meetings with the contractor and kitchen designer, and OH my head is swimming. We've gone from putting in new cabinets to gutting the whole thing to the studs. The most attractive option is of course the messiest and most expensive. Next week we'll see the drawings the kitchen designer has come up with and go from there. He called me this morning and said, what if we rip out that chimney that butts into the room and fill the back wall with windows?? I immediately called the contractor and said, "I'M SCARED."

A few shots of the kids playing outside this week. In the photo of Anthony, that is the back of the house there. The kitchen designer is proposing adding windows all across the back. How beautiful it would be... facing west and looking out across our yard. Sigh....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's Still Winter

Dear Winter,

I hate you. Leave me alone.



So, yeah. We had a blizzard this weekend. A foot of snow, 40 mph winds. My camera was in West Virginia so I can't show how beautiful it really was, but now it's melting and flooding and slushy and pretty much horrendous and if spring doesn't come soon I may never recover. Oh, and we all have the flu. HAHA! We are awash in melting snow and snot.

We're looking forward to this weekend, Kelly and Gab and Maria are coming in for a visit. And the weather is supposed to be nice, so hopefully we can shake this flu bullsh!t and have a good time. Tony has been chanting "In like a lion, out like a lamb" in this crazed voice for the past few days. Thank god for the BE tournament....